
SoMad® is a femme and queer led independent art space fostering a creative community as an art gallery, production house, and platform. Located south of Madison Square Park, SoMad references both our location and the collective frustration with the current landscape for emerging artists - especially those from BIPOC and under-represented communities. 

SoMad began in 2018 as a studio space for the founders during their pursuit of a Master of Fine Arts in Photography, Video and Related Media at School of Visual Arts. Born out of the need for a place to create and the desire to be fully immersed in their practices, the space organically grew to become a hub for an expanding community of creatives. Over three floors we are building space to develop, collaborate and showcase artwork across interdisciplinary new media, performance and visual arts. 

Our facilities include: a gallery exhibiting independently curated art shows, film screenings and live performances; a fully equipped photography and video production studio for commercial rentals; and a needs-based artist's studio to develop work in various mediums, providing both digital and analogue photography printing labs, production equipment and resources. Each floor will have the capability to serve as a forum to host community building events including artist critiques, workshops and talks, as well as the potential for private event rentals

As New York emerges from a period of isolation and uncertainty brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for a space centered in care and community has become apparent. We draw inspiration from the era of Andy Warhol’s Factory and the rotating inhabitants of the Chelsea Hotel when the art scene was propelled by person-to-person connection. We are building a new institution making art accessible and inclusive, contributing to the renaissance of the New York art scene. SoMad’s mission is to empower artists through community, practice and collaboration.

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