Rory Scott is a multidisciplinary artist exploring the ideas of impermanence, passage of time and the impacts of technology upon the evolution of humanity. Through recorded thoughts, sounds and use of retro sci-fi imagery, her work confronts and reconciles the passage of time by juxtaposing the old with the new.

Bioluminescence is an augmented space designed to simulate the feeling of a hybrid organic & technological life. It’s an environment that resembles biological life yet it is artificially alive. You can experience it for yourself here.
"My desire is to communicate that every mark we make consistently over time, results in form both visually and as the fabric of our lives. If we can give value to the seemingly insignificant decisions/thoughts we make each day, we can harness the power of these moments to create positive change & live more deliberate and meaningful lives."
Rory Scott is a multidisciplinary artist, whose work is recognized for its use of patterns, glitter and for its likeness to the Universe. Through both digital and handmade means, Scott explores the ideas of impermanence, the passage of time and the impacts of technology upon the evolution of humanity. Through recorded thoughts, sounds and use of retro sci-fi imagery, her work confronts and reconciles the passage of time by juxtaposing the old with the new. The prominence of patterns in her work draws parallels between the existence of patterns in nature and in the rhythm of our thoughts and lives. Illustrating repetition creates form over time.