Yesterday’s Makeup

Yesterday’s Makeup
Anne Kristoff
This film by Anne Kristoff was created in response to living through the coronavirus quarantine in New York City in early to mid 2020.

Thank You For Shopping Here
James Gardella

Clown’s Night Out III Quarantine Clown Party
Brian Andrew Whiteley

Girl Who Strikes Back
Amina Gingold

LIGHT This Bitter Earth
Carla Maldonado

Far From Home
Xin Fang

Connection VS Safety
Qinza Najm

Rory Scott

Joseph Gaybeuys

Kunjin Jiang


A Letter to Ming
Jiuxun Jin

Patricia Voulgaris

Pandemic Bliss
Jonathan Ellis

Love Me When I’m High
Aprilia Utami Setya Wijoyo

18 Months of Hair
Sara Arno
A global pandemic is declared. We wonder, how long will this last? Experts estimate that it could be 18 months until a vaccination is ready. In an effort to realize the impact of what this time apart will mean, I cut off 18 months’ worth of hair growth. By the time my hair becomes long again, we will be ready to pick up and start again.

Carla Maldonado
Performed by Carla Maldonado. Original footage filmed at SoMad Studio by the artist, mixed with found audio from Zia Ahmed, Samantha Bachman, Richard Tipping and Zelene Suchil.