Lester Mayers has graced SoMad and our audiences with inspiring collaborations since 2020. A poet, songwriter, performer and dancer, Lester infuses his art with deep knowledge and love rooted in the gay Black experience. It is always an illuminating experience to make art with Lester.

Lester Mayers (He/ Him)

Poet & Performer

Love Lessons with Lester

New Dream of Love

Mad Pride 23


Lester Eugene Mayers is a Brooklyn native, a graduate of the Department of Theatre Arts at SUNY New Paltz, and an MFA graduate of the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics. Mayers is a current Many Voices Fellow at The Playwrights’ Center in Minneapolis and the first-ever Artist in Residence at Finger Lakes Community College. Gay-Black-feminine, and a feminist, Mayers tackles issues that the public has historically ignored. He has been published by the Huffington Post, Arsenal Pulp Press, LAMBDA LITERARY, Chronogram, Sojourner Truth Library, Colorado’s Boulder Weekly, and I Am from Driftwood LGBTQ archive.

At SoMad, Lester has collaborated on multiple projects, beginning with Activation TV, leading to an original video series, Love Lessons with Lester. In honor of World Aids Day, Lester released an original written piece featured on our site. Please enjoy the beautiful content below.

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